Abandoned Factories from Septopus Deep Sea Creature
#3, Abandoned Factories
My first ever “piece” of music, it’s actually a misplayed G scale, but I liked the sound and feel. I was listening to the ABC in the bush in the late ’80s with an article about the closing of the shipyards on the Clyde in the 1970s. That gave it it’s name. The lyric didn’t come along until many years later, and was just meant to be a sketch, but it ended up fitting just right, so I left it. Oh, and the lyric is an homage to Mark Knopfler’s “Telegraph Road”
Going Away from the album Septopus Deep Sea Creature
Written in the late ’80s, this one sort of encompassed my desire to move on within my desire to have a worthwhile effect. the lyric is very simple; one series of words, with single-word changes per verse to provide colour and variety.

Barking Owl from Septopus Deep Sea Creature
Barking Owl. Written under a coconut tree on Magnetic Island,NQ. The Barking Owls were whooping it up, and I played along with them, not copying them, though. Then got to thinking about their hunting methods, and the little mammals they track and eat. Then I thought about the human world and the parallels of “who is the hunter and who is the hunted?”

Vampyre Corporations from Septopus Deep Sea Creature
A friend told me about “Legal Personhood”, and I quickly realised that these so-called “Persons” were actually immortal creatures, (in the sense of “having been created”), that controlled “Natural Persons” (ie living humans!),...