Townsville Band
Deep Sea Creature
Our Music

Deep Sea Creature Live

Promo mix Deep Sea Creature

Buttercups & New-Mown Hay Deep Sea Creature

Abandoned Factories from Septopus Deep Sea Creature

Iceman from Septopus Deep Sea Creature

Going Away from the album Septopus Deep Sea Creature

Barking Owl from Septopus Deep Sea Creature

Vampyre Corporations from Septopus Deep Sea Creature
Band pics

Tony Squires
Song crafter guitarist @ Deep Sea Creature
Leesa Baker
Songtress Goddess
Paula Swanson
Drum goddess
John Richter
song crafter
Sophie Thompson
Keybord Goddess
Leesa Baker
songstress deep sea goddess
Mark Dyer
The Bass man
debie djembe
Purrcussion web meister
Deep Sea Creatures
our happy song
Tony Squires
Song crafeter @ Deep Sea Creature
Septopus Deep Sea Creature